ShopperSurprises helps you to find better fresh offers in one place from all over U.A.E. You can easily grab the best offers by using ShopperSurprises mobile application.
Download our mobile app to get to know up-to date offers from different HyperMarkets/Supermarkets.
Shopper Surprises displays you offers available from different Hypermarkets and Supermarkets which is near to you.
Tips for easily accessing the app
1. When you open the application it will show all the hypermarkets and supermarkets
2. Click over any market it will display all the new offers. Just click over the image to see the offers in full screen mode
3. Add any market in Favorite lists by choosing "Add to Favorite" icon available on each and every market details page. You can see those offers during offline mode
4. Using GPS you can find the SuperMarkets nearby.